Thursday, September 10, 2015

The HMAD Book Needs Your Vote!

Hello! I am alive! Been a long time since I posted anything directly to you guys, but I wanted to alert you to the new poll on the top of the page (yes, I finally took down the NOES 5 screening ad, a year+ after it happened). The HMAD book is getting very close to completion (minus some art and a foreward by a very cool writer, I COULD release it now - that's how close!) and while we are definitely releasing it e-style (your Kindles and what not), I would like to get a rough idea of how many people would buy the (more expensive!) physical version if they could. Personally I think the book is suited better for paper anyway, but print is dead not feeling well these days, so it's a risky endeavor and it'd likely be out of my own pocket to get them made. However, if enough people would (seriously!) buy a physical copy if given the choice, maybe I can get someone else to foot that bill (i.e. the people who will be getting a lot of the money anyway). So please take a second to answer if the book is something you're interested in; the e-book will only be 5 bucks but the physical one would probably be around $15 (it'll be 400 pages), so keep that in mind with your vote. Thank you!

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